Every parent knows that getting their kids to eat healthily at home is hard. But healthy eating when travelling with kids is a mission impossible. Everyone is relaxed; the schedule is non-existent; tasty treats are wherever you look, etc. With all those factors in place, no wonder kids do not even want to consider healthy food. But, you, as a parent, must be a responsible traveller and make your and your children’s health a priority.
Nobody says that you should eat healthily 24/7 while travelling – there is nothing wrong with having a treat every once in a while. However, if you are not careful, those treats can quickly turn into meals, and there is no going back from there. Save your family from that unhealthy habit by implementing the following tips for healthy eating on your next family trip.

Work on Your Immunity Before Travelling
Is there anything worse than being sick on holiday? There is—having a child who is ill while on holiday. Unfortunately, these kinds of things happen all the time. Travelling to different countries usually means experiencing a different climate, time zone, food, and sometimes even different water. All of this can affect our immune systems. Thus, it is crucial to work on you and your children’s immune systems before going on a family trip.
You do not have to force your children to take immune boosters (pills) or eat healthy foods that they do not like. Instead, turn to creative alternatives. For instance, add hemp seeds to muffins or smoothies. Blend that hated broccoli or squash into a spaghetti sauce. Use more garlic and onions when cooking meat. Try to ‘hide’ these natural immune boosters in everyday meals, and you will have nothing to worry about.
If the Trip is Long, Pack Your Own Food
If you are travelling to a distant place, your airline trip will be long. And we all know that airlines serve food that is neither tasty nor healthy. But you will have no other option but to eat what you are served, right? Wrong! If you pack your own lunch, you will not have to eat what they serve on the plane. Please take a couple of bowls and fill them with already-cut fruits, veggies, nuts, crackers, hard-boiled eggs, or whatever you and your family like to eat.
The same applies to travelling by car, train, bus, etc. Clean out your fridge and prepare healthy meals for the entire family ahead of time. Do the same when moving, too, as travelling from your old place to your new place or from home to your holiday destination is really not different at all. The relocation process can be tricky, especially when there are children involved, but if your meals are packed and ready, that is one less thing to worry about.

Instead of a Juice, Sip a Smoothie
Well-prepared smoothies are elixirs of life. Even the most stubborn child will drink it if you add some milk and say it is a milkshake – this is one of the easiest ways to improve your and your child’s diet. So, the next time you are on a trip or the next time your child asks for juice, give them a smoothie. Yes, these are more expensive and more complicated to make, but you cannot put a price tag on health at the end of the day.
If you cannot find a smoothie store where you are, consider investing in a portable smoothie maker. They are relatively small and lightweight, so they will not take up much space in your luggage. With one of those, your family will always have a healthy drink or meal during the trip.
Stash Some Healthy Foods in Your Luggage
We are not saying that you should load your family’s suitcases with different foods. Or are we? Well, nothing terrible will happen if you come equipped with healthy food in your bag for your next holiday. Doing this will not only ensure you and your family are eating well and healthily but will also allow for some money-saving.
We all know how challenging it can be to maintain healthy habits while on the go, especially when travelling with kids. But with a bit of planning, healthy eating when travelling with kids is absolutely achievable. By choosing nutritious snacks, researching local food options in advance, and involving your kids in meal planning, you can ensure that everyone stays fueled and energised without compromising on health. Healthy eating during your travels not only keeps your family feeling their best but also sets an excellent example for kids to follow while exploring new destinations.

Lead By Example
It is a known fact that children mimic their parents. They will walk as you do, and they will talk as you do. And make sure that they eat as you do by setting a good example. So, if you munch on chips and chocolate bars all the long on that trip, well, your children will do the same no matter what you say. The only way to get your children to eat healthily on your next trip (and throughout their entire lives) is to lead by example. That is, show them how great a healthy diet can be, and they will think it is excellent.
All good habits start at home. If you never eat your veggies, the chances are that your children will not eat them either. Thus, even if you do not like to eat spinach, make it for yourself. Eat it in front of your children, and they will eat it too. You must make an effort if you want your entire family to develop healthy habits and, of course, to grow up healthy. If you have built a solid foundation for a good diet and habits, healthy eating when travelling with kids should not be such a big problem.
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