Have bills piling up and can’t make huge payments at once? Learn about how paying in instalments may be your best option!
Has Covid-19 Had an Effect on The Value of House Prices
There is nothing quite as exciting as putting your key in the lock for the first time but covid-19 could affect house prices so should you wait to buy?
Pros & Cons of Being A Landlord
Comparing the pros and cons of taking out a mortgage to be a landlord is important, and this can help you determine whether you should own a house on behalf of someone else. Let’s discuss the pros and cons of being a landlord below.
How to Best Manage Your Money: 10 Simple Rules
No one wants to be in a situation where they are constantly worried about managing money. When you manage your finances well, it will help lift some of the burdens. Let’s consider how best to manage your money.
If Your Business Is Struggling, Who Should You Hire To Help?
In this article, we will be looking at three of the people you’re going to need to help your struggling business. Keep reading if you would like to find out more.
Money Rules We Shouldn’t Break
As far as money is concerned, there are some rules of thumb. These are the classic rules that we shouldn’t break.
The Easiest Ways To Save Money During A Pandemic
You might be worried about the long term effects of Covid-19 on your finances. Here are the easiest ways to save money during a pandemic.
How to Find the Perfect Mortgage and Where to Start
Finding the perfect mortgage is not easy. In fact, there are many factors involved when searching for the right loan. But don’t worry – we’ve got you covered!
How Pigly can help you Budget for your Family Holiday
There is a lot of job uncertainty and looking at more lockdowns into 2021. It seems the world has got used to this NEW normal as Forbes even discussed where brits may still holiday despite new quarantine rules. Now more than ever, we should be looking to save money where we can and budget for our family holidays.
How To Make Money With No Free Time
Working single mums have basically no free time but with covid-19 causing more financial restraints they are looking else where or creating a side hustle.