Disability awareness

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Why We Should Be Supporting Charities like Challengers

Challengers provide inclusive play and leisure opportunities across the South East. It is a place where disabled children and young people can access fun activities in a safe and organised environment. Charities are struggling right now; no one could have foreseen the extent that Covid-19 could have on such vital services to many. So, I decided that I should write a blog post for why I feel we should be supporting charities like Challengers.

Updated on: Family

The Truth About Epilepsy

Every year in March, it is Purple Day! For those of you who are unaware of what ‘Purple Day’ is, it is the international day for epilepsy. It is a day where people around the world come together to raise awareness of the condition and make a difference to those affected by epilepsy. When my son was diagnosed with epilepsy, I’m not going to lie. I instantly thought about him falling to the ground, soiling himself and foaming at the mouth. The characteristics that the media portray so often, but it’s been anything but that. This is the Truth about epilepsy.
