You will get to the point where you are considering a career change at some point in your life. This is only natural since your interests, prospects, and goals will change as you age. But taking your life in a new direction is challenging, especially in today’s extremely competitive world. However, identifying your skills, using social media appropriately and tailoring CVs can help when considering a career change.

Man Being Interviewed By A Woman
Practice interview techniques with a friend or family member

Identify Skills You Can Transfer

When considering a career change, it is best to look at your previous experiences to see if they can be applied to the position you are considering. For example, you might be passionate about the outdoors and hold some climbing skills, and this is a transferable skill that not many people can do. A career change towards helping people might involve an NPTC tree climbing and rescue course. Your climbing skills will be put to good use while, at the same time, you indulge your passion and turn it into a career. Getting paid for doing something you love is pretty much a dream come true for most.

Go in a New Direction

A little vulnerability can keep you in your comfort zone between jobs. You may find that you’ll repeatedly apply for the same type of roles. But you won’t be happy if you keep job-hopping into roles you hate. So instead, find something that makes you happy. A survey by Gallup found only 15% of people like their job. Therefore, you must explore other avenues to find something you would be comfortable doing in the long term. Otherwise, you risk job dissatisfaction and its problems, such as depression and anxiety.

A new direction does not mean you have to work with skills or qualities entirely alien to you. When choosing a new direction, it’s best to consider what qualities you can build on to help establish your new path. For instance, if you’re an exceptionally caring person, you should be considering career paths for caring people, including nursing and childcare.

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Go Social

Social media sites like Facebook and Twitter are excellent for putting yourself out there. You can usually count on someone in HR or a friend to see that you’re looking for a job and pass it along to someone else. Additionally, it isn’t a bad idea to join LinkedIn. This platform caters to professionals of all kinds, and because so many people post their credentials, many companies use them for headhunting talented and skilled individuals. So if you haven’t yet created a profile, head to LinkedIn and cast your net; you can also post to demonstrate knowledge.

Person Holding Iphone Showing Social Networks Folder
Social media sites like Facebook and Twitter are excellent for putting yourself out there.

Prospect for Gold

It’s not common knowledge, but you can send your resume directly to a company even if they’re not hiring. This prospective application can be a powerful method of finding a new job. Always send a good cover letter and your CV to a company or organisation that appeals to your sense of value, culture or identity. Because they’re busy, you won’t necessarily get a response, but they’ll probably store your details for later. Then again, you might be lucky and send it at the right time when they’re looking for someone new to hire.

Don’t Use the Same CV

One of the biggest mistakes applicants makes is sending the same generic CV and cover letter to each employer. All companies are different and look for specific qualities in their employees. So, your base documents will require a little tweaking. For instance, you don’t have to tell a tech company that you worked at a fast food place for two years when you applied for a data analysis job. This job’s skills and experiences don’t necessarily transfer well to the position in question and aren’t relevant.

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