During the winter months, we often find ourselves stuck indoors, and it’s easy to become bored and lethargic when the temperature drops. It can also be especially hard if you work from home, have caring responsibilities or just suffer with Seasional Affective Disorder (SAD). Here are five productive things to do at home on cold winter days.

How to Be Productive at Home

It sounds easy, right? Just get on with it but for the great procrastinators out their the winter months can be tough, with Netflix streaming 24/7, snacks screaming to be eaten in the fridge and the weather outside is dull, lifeless and unappealing.

You don’t have be continually productive or motivated, in fact you should consider how to be productive with your health this year, because self-care and general well-being are important to being equally productive. Here are a few things to get you started and thinking about being productive at home.

  1. Consider organising tasks and connecting them to goals.
  2. Get ahead with household tasks by prepping in advance.
  3. If you work from home, designate a separate work space.
  4. Put time aside for exercise, even if just a ten minute walk during lunch.
  5. Use a daily planner or scheduler to keep yourself motivated and tick off those tasks.
Back View of a Woman Writing on a Calendar
Photo by RODNAE Productions

Start a Blog or Website.

If you’re feeling bored and unmotivated, start a blog or website. You can write about anything you want, whether related to your hobbies or interests or something completely unrelated. This will help keep you mentally active and engaged.

When you create a blog or website, you’re essentially creating a virtual space where you can share your thoughts and ideas with others. By doing so, you’re giving yourself a creative outlet and allowing yourself to express your creativity. Plus, if you ever decide to monetise your site, you’ll be able to earn some extra cash.

Learn a new Skill.

There are so many ways to learn a skill these days. Many online courses are available if you want to learn how to code, play an instrument, or paint.

If you’re looking for something fun to do during the long winter months, you could take a class, enrol in a self-paced course, or read a book. Whatever method you choose, there are tons of resources available to help you get started.

Person Holding Sewing Machine
Photo by Wallace Chuck

Plan a Holiday.

Now is a perfect time if you haven’t planned a holiday yet! You can plan a trip anywhere in the world with just a few clicks, and it’sit’s easy to find cheap flights and hotels using sites like Booking.com and Expedia. Once you’ve found a place you love, book your flight and hotel and start planning what activities you want to do while you’re away.

Planning a holiday is one of the most exciting parts of travelling. Whether you’re looking for a relaxing getaway or a fun adventure, there are plenty of ways to enjoy yourself without spending too much money.

Organise Your Kitchen.

One of the easiest ways to make your life easier when you return home after a long day is to organise your kitchen. This will help you save time and energy by ensuring everything is where you need it. Start by organising your pantry and refrigerator so you can easily see what foods you have on hand. Then, sort out your spices, condiments, and other ingredients.

Woman putting Glass Containers on a Kitchen Cabinet
Photo by RODNAE Productions

Clean Out Your Closets.

If you haven’t done it, now is the perfect time to clean out your closets. You might not realise how much stuff you have until you start going through it. It’s easy to forget about items you no longer use, but they still take up space. Plus, you never know when you might find something you forgot you had.

The best thing about cleaning out your closet is that it allows you to eliminate old clothes you no longer wear. You can donate them to charity or sell them online.

Hopefully this post has inspired you that you can be productive at home on cold winter days. Let me know in the comments how you like to stay productive in the winter months? I love a good pre-spring clean and post Christmas declutter.

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  1. I’m always busy doing something so I never feel like I need to actively find something to do if I’m stuck at home on a cold or rainy day. But de-cluttering and organizing is something that I always like to reserve for those days!

    1. I always appreciate a de-clutter or reorganising day during the winter months. Thank you Jenny

  2. I like to think I’m really productive at home, but really I’m mostly reading. It’s self care, and that’s important!

    1. Anything that you feel is a benefit to your life whether self-care or otherwise will always be productive! Reading 100%. I think we automatically see productivity as keeping ourselves busy when in fact just sitting and reflecting, writing or reading is just as productive!

  3. […] In addition to providing warmth and comfort, blankets also add a touch of style to any room. Choose brightly coloured, patterned or printed blankets to boost your living space’s colour and texture. A few blankets will keep you prepared if the temperature dives. With so many sizes, colours and textures, you’ll surely find the perfect blanket for your home this winter. […]

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