Unlike hotels that can count several hundreds of guests at any time, the Airbnb community often feels like a home away from home. As a result, you can introduce your guests to carbon-neutral and eco-friendly tips and solutions applicable to the household. It becomes easy and manageable for guests to embrace the green side of life by following simple and effective tricks observed in their Airbnb room. It is responsible for an environmentally-friendly bed and breakfast business to create learning paths and inspirational patterns for their guests. If we are to build a greener world, educating the audience is half the battle. 

Photo by Toa Heftiba on Unsplash

Ethical Quality First

Not all wholesale suppliers deliver both to large hotels and individual Airbnb ventures. So as an Airbnb side hustler, it’s a good idea to narrow down your options to suppliers that can help your venture. Bed linen, pillows, towels, and kitchen linen can be embroidered to your Airbnb name, even if you only order a small quantity. It’s worth knowing that working with specialist suppliers can do wonders for your venture. You want high-quality items that go further, both for the environment and the workforce. A dedicated partner, such as Richard Haworth for textiles, has been a favourite for big names, including Radisson hotels and One Hyde Park in London. Providing quality items that your guests can find in renowned hotels can give your side-hustle a luxury feel.

As an Airbnb, you can also leave a note to inform your guests where they can find similar quality textiles and buy from other eco-friendly suppliers for the household. 

You Think Outside The Box

You may not run a hotel, but your Airbnb venture will use many containers and boxes to tackle your guests’ needs. Think of the breakfast area. If you offer a home-cooked breakfast, you’re likely to find yourself surrounded by plastic boxes that keep cereals, fruits, biscuits, bread, and all the other food fresh. While plastic boxes may seem like an easy solution, you need to think your Airbnb rental rooms outside the box dilemma literally. Using smart produce containers such as fabric bags or reusable jars can encourage your guests to do the same at home. It’s an easy way of showing that there are alternatives to efficient, elegant, and eco-friendly plastic. 

Photo by Southern Oak on Unsplash

Your Bathroom Additions are Green

The more important area to update for green goals is your bathroom. The guests’ en-suite bathrooms tend to be equipped with practical additions that can damage the environment. We’ve all seen the small toiletry bag that is wrapped in plastic and contains single-use cotton buds, a small toothpaste, small bottles of shampoo and soap, etc. However, you can provide the same commodities with an eco-friendly twist, such as using toothpaste tablets and soap and shampoo bars. It is also a good idea to provide a list of household-friendly suppliers for your guests. Many may not be aware that a high street shop such as Lush also provides eco-friendly shampoo bars and toothpaste tablets. A small note informing your guests that they can buy similar products for their households can make a big difference. 

Make Your Ethics and Values Known

Your communication plays a huge role in encouraging guests to follow your green lead. Most households don’t buy green products because they are concerned that it may not be efficient or suitable for everyday use. As a result, the Airbnb setting enables your guests to experience eco-friendly products in their everyday lives and compare them with the items they know and trust. Simple switches, such as using toothpaste tablets rather than squeezing toothpaste out of a plastic tube, are easy to introduce. You can also create a blog presence to complement your Airbnb page: this would let your guests know which items and products you replace with green alternatives. 

You can even send your guests off with a small green parcel that contains the items from their bathrooms that they haven’t used. 

Being eco-friendly in day-to-day life often seems challenging and unachievable for some households. As an Airbnb side hustler, you can introduce your guests to green alternatives. Your role is double. Firstly, you can show your guests that eco-friendly Airbnb products are just as effective. Secondly, you can inspire them to follow your lead, letting them know where to buy similar products and how to care for them. Taking the first step into the green lifestyle is the hardest part, but it is guaranteed to further bring your Airbnb rental!

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  1. avatar

    Great idea of making it eco!

    1. avatar

      Thank you,Laila.

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