Is your child struggling to stay motivated in school? Is he or she constantly losing focus and interest in their studies? If so, you’re not alone. Many kids today have trouble maintaining attention in class and keeping up with their daily tasks. But don’t worry – there are ways to help your child get motivated and reach his or her maximum potential in school. Here are seven suggestions that you can use to help spark the flame of enthusiasm for learning: create an encouraging environment, talk to your child about their goals, give them chances to make choices, show patience with teaching new concepts and skills, provide plenty of praise when warranted, design interesting activities for studying, and last but not least, set a good example yourself. With these tips, you’ll be well prepared to inspire your child to learn more research and achieve more success!

What are the most common reasons for lack of motivation in children?

You can expect your child will have a problem with motivation at least once during school. If we exclude ADHD, anxiety, or learning disabilities for children without a diagnosable problem, the most common reasons for children are:

  • Absence of clearly defined goals – For such a child, learning is pointless because it leads nowhere.
  • Lack of self-confidence – A child who doubts his abilities will be reluctant to learn and have poor motivation.
  • Lack of work habits and adequate learning methods – Failure to adopt work habits in the first years of school can result in poor motivation.
  • Perfectionism – Problems with motivation can appear if the child believes that only perfection is acceptable due to the difficulties in achieving such a goal.
  • Unsatisfied primary needs of a child – Sleepiness, satiety, health, and an emotional balance must be satisfied.

1. Make room for mistakes

Teach your children that mistakes are an integral part of life and that they can be valuable if we use them as an opportunity to learn. Failure must not be the end of the process, and it must be seen as an opportunity for new attempts until we reach the desired goal. Negative emotions, such as frustration and anger, can be used to give children the motivation they need to persevere. In these situations, comforting and encouraging them to try again is significant.

A mother and a son having a conversation
A good talk can help your child get motivated in school

2. A good talk can help your child get motivated in school

Moving to another place, changing a school, and leaving their friends behind are stressful for a child. This is a common reason why kids are unmotivated in school. It takes time for them to adjust to the new environment: the teachers and the kids. As a parent, you should not take this lightly and be there to offer help and kind words. When helping your child adjust to a new school, talk about the change openly – let them express their feelings, good and bad, and you’ll see how everything gets better with time.

3. Feed their curiosity

If your child is interested in a topic, they will be highly motivated to deal with it. You can use it to build work habits in your child. Allow your child to explore their curiosity even if it doesn’t seem like it’s leading to a given goal. If you are helping them, don’t go into too much detail when explaining concepts. Allow them to come up with the answer themselves. Instead of correcting your child’s mistake, allow them to rethink their idea and devise another solution. Remove end goals. Let kids follow their ideas wherever they lead. Be curious yourself. Children will learn the most if you set an example for the behaviour you want to achieve.

A girl writing something on paper
Focusing on the learning process that includes regular homework, practice, and study is significant, which will eventually lead to the desired result.

4. Do not obsess over the results; support the process instead

If we are too focused on the results, the whole learning process will be just a necessary evil we have to go through to reach the goal. The way we got there will cease to matter. At the same time, there is a danger that if the children do not achieve the desired goal, they will give up because they did not meet your expectations. And that’s why it’s significant to focus on the learning process that includes regular homework, practice, and study, eventually leading to the desired result. The process itself will have enormously positive effects on your child. They will learn organisation, discipline, focus, and patience – even if their grades are not excellent. They are not that important. Show them gratitude for the effort they have put in, and success will come sooner or later.

5. Get outside help

According to professionals at, many kids find the moving process and school changes very difficult. This significant change in their lives makes them unmotivated to study. However, one of the ways you can help your child get motivated in school is to seek professional help, which is always an available option. Let them speak to a therapist to help them overcome their problems.

A boy talking to a therapist
One of the ways you can help your child get motivated in school is to seek professional help.

6. Teach your child organisational skills

Teach your child how to manage their time and prioritise activities. They must learn to realistically estimate the time needed to complete a particular task, which is crucial for making a good activity plan. This will also help them become more independent. Show them the importance of making lists, using calendars, and scheduling work breaks that will allow them to stay productive. Explain to them the importance of maintaining order in the space in which they work.

7. Introduce and encourage different types of learning styles

Every person learns differently and has their own unique learning style. Thus, helping your child discover theirs can assist in fostering quicker and more effective learning. There are seven primary learning styles: Logical, Social, Visual, Auditory, Verbal, Physical and Solitary. Encourage your child to explore each style to determine which works best for them!

One of the ways to help your child get motivated in school, as their parent, is to be there for them. Don’t undermine their struggles, and remember that just a few kind words can change a lot.

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