Do you feel like your kids are a little too reliant and even perhaps dependent on the tech in their life? If that’s the case, …
What letting kids choose their own clothes means to them?
Letting kids choose their own clothes can be a big step for a parent. We have done our research and found what it means for the kid, as well as for the parent.
How to design a kids’ room that spurs creativity and learning
If you’re wondering how to design a kids’ room that spurs creativity and learning, pay attention to the following details.
The Pros and Cons of Flexible Working
Never before has there a need for flexible working and especially the need to work from home. With a growth in technology allowing for meetings to occur around the world and from anywhere, are we likely to see a change in employers policies regarding choosing more flexible hours or location?
3 Ways of Learning To Be a Calm and Stress-Free Parent
Everybody is feeling the stress as a parent in one way or another right now. We have to remember that it’s not just about reducing stress symptoms, but it’s about making stress reduction and active daily practice. What are the best ways we can learn to be a calm and stress-free parent?
Providing Comfort For Children
Is your child a bit shy and anxious? Some children are this way by nature. There are then cases whereby children feel this way because of certain situations, like going to the dentist. Here are some tips to help you provide comfort for your children and put them at ease in any situation.
Covid Is Affecting Kid’s Sleeping Patterns – How Should You React?
There are lots of side-effects of Coronavirus, but one that is going under the radar is the impact it’s having on their sleeping patterns. Kids are particularly at risk as 70% of under sixteens are going to bed later due to working later. Mums and dads have a lot to worry about, yet it’s essential to ensure young people get enough rest to avoid burnout during such a difficult period.