Some children have been back at school for a few weeks, and others are now heading back to school, but life at school will be different from what they were used to. Or, if this is their first time heading off to school, it’s different from what they experienced at home, so either way, you’ve got to make sure that your kids are prepared. You don’t want them to show up expecting one thing and be greeted with another, which makes it your job to ensure they are ready. If you want to learn more about how to do this, keep reading below.

Source: Pexels

Keep Up With Their Education

The first thing that we recommend is that you keep up with their education while they aren’t at school. Make sure you’re teaching them things where you can, and the best way to do this is in ways they don’t see as ‘learning’. So, they can play makeup games with numbers to help them learn to count and things like this. They’re going to enjoy it, and they will be used to learning new things each day!

Keep Up A Routine

We highly recommend that you keep up a routine at home similar to a school environment. For example, have them wake up at a certain time, eat lunch at a designated time, and so on. This will help when they head to school and have to follow the routine set for them. If this is something that they aren’t used to, it can be quite a challenge to adapt, and it’s far better that you handle this early rather than the school having to handle it with 30 other children doing the same.

It doesn’t need to be completely accurate to what they would do at school because this is likely impossible, but something in the same realm will be beneficial.

Build Their Confidence

They are going to need help with their confidence so that they can flourish at school. Of course, it might be a little more difficult with the restrictions in place than we knew when we went, but getting them to do things such as going to the toilet independently and asking for help when needed is super important. You don’t want your child to sit at school and suffer simply because they don’t feel they can ask for help.

We also encourage you to tell them to ask questions if they are unsure about anything. Children have as much right as anyone else to answer, and we don’t want them to be constantly confused. If they aren’t going to school but will be soon, sending them to an early learning centre might be the practice they need. 

We hope you have found this article helpful and now see some of the things you can do to prepare your children for life at school during Coronavirus. Good luck, and we hope things go well for you and your little ones!

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