Fancy taking yourself and your household or family on a road trip this year? It’s always fun to explore the country you live in instead of going abroad somewhere. It’s also a lot more affordable, and with some helpful tips, it can be done on a low budget. Here are some suggestions for a budget road trip.

Person Wearing Beige Sweater Holding Map Inside Vehicle
Photo by Dominika Roseclay from Pexels

Plan Ahead for a budget road trip

It is always good to plan ahead when it comes to a road trip, just like any other holiday or vacation you go on. You want to have everything planned so that very little will go wrong regarding your travels. From working out where you want to go and how you’ll get there the easiest way. Planning out your route will also help you avoid getting lost and perhaps spending more time on the road than you’d like.

Make sure you’ve thought about everything you’ll need for the trip, and consider paying for things in advance to save yourself some money.


Find Somewhere That’s A Short Distance Away

Finding somewhere to spend some time away doesn’t need to be hours and hours from your home. If you’re looking to save some money, making a shorter road trip will save fuel costs. You ideally want to find somewhere that’s perhaps an hour or two away and within a reasonable distance so that you spend less on fuel.

It’s always a sweeter experience when you travel back too from your road trip. At least you don’t have to spend hours in the car feeling blue about having to return to work.

Hire A Car

Hiring a car can sometimes be better than taking a car you already own because it could be a company car you don’t want to risk damaging. A cheap car hire in Perth from just $24/day will be worth doing when you don’t have a car and perhaps want to experience a car rental before buying your own vehicle. If you don’t have use for a car that often, it’s worth just hiring one. Sites like are on hand to help you compare cheap car hire prices and offer reliable, affordable car hire across the UK and in popular destinations such as Spain and Portugal.

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Stay Somewhere Out Of Peak Seasons

This will be the most expensive time of the year for peak seasons, regardless of who you go with. And unless you have children, you’ll have more flexibility when you can go away. Think about staying somewhere that’s out of peak season or going away at the time of year when the children are still in school, and perhaps it’s not even a popular month or time of the week to travel. It will make everything a lot more affordable, that’s for sure.

When it comes to taking a budget road trip, there are ways to help reduce your costs. Use these tips to ensure you maximize the enjoyment you get from a road trip in your own country.

Are you planning a road trip this year? Where are you visiting? Let me know in the comments below.

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  1. Off season is definitely a lot cheaper! Also mid week ?
    Cora |

    1. alittlebitsocial2

      I try to cheat the system myself and book at the end of holidays or a couple of days before. ? save ££££ someone’s. Thank you for your comment ?

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