A new year is always a good time to think about the goals we want to achieve. 2020 was hugely challenging, and many of us have taken time to reflect. If you’ve decided to change careers or get more out of the working day, it’s a great idea to look for roles that excite you. In this post, we’ll explore some steps you can take to turn an interest into an income and launch a new career.

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Training, Study and Qualifications

In many cases, when people choose to change careers, it’s either preferable or necessary to undertake further study or training. Whether you’re passionate about beauty or fitness, or you’d love to work with children or animals, it’s wise to research courses and programs and to look for opportunities to gain and develop the skills required to launch a new venture or to maximise your chances of getting a new job. If you dream of being a yoga instructor, explore training programs. If your goal is to have your own line of skincare or beauty products, look at the courses available at the School of Natural Skincare. Online learning is becoming increasingly commonplace, and this is brilliant news for people who want to earn while they learn and those with work and childcare commitments. 

Yoga Instructor Helping a Student
Photo by Elly Fairytale from Pexels

Finding a new job

Do you ever watch TV or read articles in magazines and remark on how interesting other peoples’ jobs seem? If you have a dream role in mind, or you’ve been inspired by stories you’ve come across in the media, it’s never too late to pursue a career based on your passions and interests. Perhaps you’ve always harboured ambitions to be a teacher; you’d love to be a makeup artist, you want to help rescue dogs find new homes or you long to travel the world taking photographs or writing about far-flung destinations. If you know what you want to do, research the qualifications needed, consider taking a course if required and start looking for suitable opportunities. Try to gain experience, get in touch with people who are already doing the job, and contact companies and organisations that may offer placements, entry-level roles, or training posts. 

Makeup artist portrait
Image by Makeup Artist Portrait from Pixabay

Setting up on your own

More and more people are choosing to launch their own business. If you’ve got an ingenious idea for a product, or you want to turn a hobby into a career, setting up a new venture offers an array of benefits. Being your own boss enables you to manage your schedule and your salary, and you can decide who you want to work with when it comes to hiring employees and signing contracts with clients. From baking bespoke cakes for home delivery and developing products for mums to personal training, there are all kinds of avenues you could pursue. 

It’s worth knowing that if you start your own business, there’s a lot to be set up beforehand. For example, it would benefit you to know the best business bank account available in your area, as there are different benefits with every bank. Take the time to find out about what your business might need long before you set up shop.

Pink and White Party Favors on Table With Cake
Photo by Vidal Balielo Jr. from Pexels

Do you dream of spending your working days doing something you love? If you’re keen to change careers or set up your own business, there are ways to turn an interest into a steady income. It’s worth exploring your options, from finding a new job that fills you with excitement and studying online to gain qualifications to launching your own venture.

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  1. avatar

    I find myself thinking about all sorts of new ideas and think I may actually look into bringing some of them to life. I have one particular dream I’d like to fulfil so I should set some time aside to plan it out. Fab post — thanks for sharing!

    1. avatar

      Thank you for reading Molly. I am the same! I have so many ideas bouncing around my head but I struggle to bring them to life, finding reasons why it won’t work! 2021 is the year we should both try and bring our dreams to life! You can do it!

  2. avatar

    Good post. I’m in the process of changing my career. Thank you for sharing this.

    1. avatar

      Thank you for reading Fadmina, wishing you all the best with your career change 🙂

  3. avatar

    Great post! I constantly have so many dreams or routes I want to go down in terms of a career – I work in digital marketing and love it xx

    1. avatar

      I love Digital Marketing, been my love since I was 22 and it was new (extremely new) and it really does change all the time which I seem to need in my career or I’m bored! Thank you for reading, Della x

  4. avatar

    This was a very interesting read, I lost my job due to covid so I am currently trying to decide what to do next. Thank you for this.

    1. avatar

      I decided to end my contract due to personal reasons last year, trying to find what I want to do next on top of my blog. I am glad you enjoyed it. I am sorry you lost your job, such tough times. 🙁

  5. avatar

    I’d love to be able to quit my job and start my own business and this post has given me a lot of help and advice to do that! x

    Lucy | http://www.lucymary.co.uk

    1. avatar

      Thank you, Lucy, it’s an odd time right now. There is a business I really want to try but with covid, it’s just not the right time so I’ve shelved it for another year but hopefully one day! I wish you all the best if you do decide to go for it!

  6. avatar

    My dad always used to say to me ‘find something you love to do and find someone who’ll pay you for it’! I don’t think I could ever be self employed, but I’ve found and amazing job that I really love!

    Katie | katieemmabeauty.com

    1. avatar

      Thank you Katie, as you say as long as you love your job. That’s all that matters. Being self-employed isn’t for everyone and it’s hard work. I’m not confident with selling myself yet and that’s the hardest part.

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