There is a plethora of skills your children can benefit from by learning them at an early age. However, no other skill compares to learning a second language. This invaluable knowledge will come in handy throughout their life and can be a driving force for many of their accomplishments. Moreover, the long list of reasons why kids should learn a second language further grows if you add living abroad on top of it. So, prepare to book online lessons or a private tutor because these reasons will surely encourage you to do so.

Improves their cognitive development

Researchers who studied brain densities discovered that some of the cognitive benefits of learning a second language might be related to the fact that the brains of bilingual and multilingual kids develop more. After all, your brain’s capabilities grow the more you use it to acquire new knowledge and skills. Therefore, when your children learn new vocabulary and grammar rules, this will, in turn, enable them to improve their memory. Furthermore, when they encounter new words or rules, their brains will quickly adjust to them. Moreover, your children will also be better at multitasking since they can freely switch between two languages when speaking or thinking. Research also suggests that acquiring a second language may enhance one’s capacity for listening, critical thought, and problem-solving, in addition to sharpening focus.

A female child with long ginger hair trying to solve a Rubik's cube sort of puzzle.
Kids should learn a second language since this will enable them to acquire new skills much more quickly.

It helps them adapt to new surroundings.

If you’ve ever moved to a new area with your children, you may know the trouble kids face when adjusting to it. However, you may help them adapt to a country with a different primary language by encouraging them to learn it. They will be able to better adapt to their environment and possibly even settle into their new school. The ability to better comprehend how others live their lives will also enable them to extend their viewpoints and foster greater empathy. Multilingual children can learn about other cultures, understand them better, and accept cultural differences. As a result, they are more open to alternative points of view and may even get a different perspective.

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Assists them in acquiring higher academic achievements

The cognitive advantages of language learning directly affect a child’s academic success. Early exposure to a foreign language enhances cognitive development and promotes accomplishment in other areas, such as math, reading, and problem-solving. Likewise, studies show that bilingual children perform better on tests. According to one study, students who have studied a foreign language for more than four years have 140 points more on average (out of 800 points) than students with less or no experience in foreign languages. Additionally, if your kid learns a second language, they may also be able to participate in extracurricular activities or competitions in that language. It is a great accomplishment in itself.

It gives them a head start for college and future employment.

Early academic success can go a long way. And by learning a second language, your kid could improve their chances of getting into the college of their dreams by performing better on standardised tests. However, it doesn’t end there! One of the most beneficial reasons kids should learn a second language is that this valuable skill will open doors to many career opportunities. Professionals who can communicate in a second or third language frequently have an advantage in the job market because they can accept more responsibilities and grasp more opportunities. Regarding this, it is best to be wise when choosing a second language, and kids should pick the most sought-after ones.

A little boy wearing a black tie while looking at himself in the mirror.
Although it may be too early to think about it, starting early with language learning can help them with job opportunities in the future.

It makes the process of learning a language more accessible.

The younger your children are, the easier it will be for them to learn a second language. Research has shown that children under five use the same part of their brain to acquire this second language as if they were learning their mother tongue. Furthermore, children are less likely to be critical of their own mistakes, which is another factor that may be related to their ability to grasp a new language much more quickly than individuals that are older than them. Still, you are never too old to learn a new skill or language, even though it may take more time.

It can increase their confidence.

If your child seems insecure about their abilities, there is no better cure than showing them they can learn something new. So why not encourage them to learn a second language? By pushing through various obstacles learning a new language will place on their path, they will realise they are capable and can do anything they set their mind to. Furthermore, when new (and different) issues arise, they will have the confidence to persevere. So, if you move to a different place, your kid may be more confident to start socialising and getting to know the area. Consultants from say they have seen kids who have difficulty accepting the change merely because they don’t speak the language. On the other hand, kids who already know at least a few phrases in the new language had the confidence to approach the kids in the neighbourhood more readily and had fewer issues adjusting to new surroundings and new people.

It nurtures their love for languages.

Learning a new skill, whatever it may be, can be pretty rewarding, from feeling happy you’re finally grasping certain aspects to successfully monetising it. So, nurturing your child’s love for languages by encouraging them to learn a second language will only ever benefit their lives. Moreover, if they decide to learn a third language, they will have fewer issues than individuals who only speak one language. This is mainly because learning a second language (as previously mentioned) improves the way the brain works and how it may process new information, such as new vocabulary and grammar rules.

A young girl wearing overalls writing in a notebook at a white desk
Your child may even end up learning far more languages than two.

It develops their curiosity.

Curiosity is a beautiful thing that most young children possess. We should, as parents, learn how to nurture this wonderful gift. After all, it is one of the reasons why kids should learn a second language that they will be able to carry throughout their lives. By being curious about the world around them, they will want to learn new things, acquire new perspectives, and teach themselves new skills. Doesn’t that sound marvellous?

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