It’s been a tough few months for anyone that runs a small business, with various lockdown rules meaning you’ve probably had to close your doors for some time. It’s even worse if you spent a lot of time making the drastic career move and leaving your job to start a business! You feel cheated by the last year, but you will soon get the green light to re-open your doors. When this happens, you need to do these three things before re-opening your small business.

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Photo by Tim Mossholder from Pexels

Handle all the COVID-related things

Honestly, all three of these points could be COVID-related, but that seemed rather boring, so they’ve all been combined here. Make sure you clean your business and sanitise all the surfaces. Arguably more important than that, deal with your ventilation system. Service your HVAC units to be sure that they’re working properly. If you find faults, get a company like 24 Hour AC Repair to fix them for you. Good ventilation is crucial for preventing the spread of the virus in the air. Finally, install any signs or make any necessary changes to abide by social distancing rules. 

Promote the heck out of your re-opening

How long has it been since your business was last up and running? You may not want to admit this, but a lot of your customers might have forgotten about you. So, you need to spend a lot of time promoting your business’s re-opening as often as possible. Ensure that all of your customers and followers know when you’re opening and at what time. You could even have a special event or offer on for the opening date, encouraging more people to come down. At the very least, your promotion should remind previous customers of your existence, meaning you get some traffic through your doors. But, it could also help you reach some new customers, making your business busier than ever before. After the time you’ve had, this is exactly what you need!

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Plan for the worst when re-opening your small business

There’s an old Mike Tyson quote that goes something like, “everybody has a plan until they’re punched in the face.” Granted, it’s a very boxing-specific quote, but the meaning behind it can apply to everything in life. Essentially, you think you know what you’re doing until something comes along and rocks your world. In many ways, this is precisely what happened during the first wave of lockdowns. You had your business plan neatly lined up, then you took a punch in the face, and it all went out the window. To prevent this from happening again, you need to plan for the punch in the face! Prepare for the worst-case scenario, which is your business closing again. Have a contingency plan in place to ensure you aren’t as badly hit by this if it does happen. 

That’s all there is to it; you can now get ready to re-opening your small business. It’ll be very nerve-wracking, but you’ll soon get back into the swing of things, and it will feel like nothing happened at all.

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